
4 Key Advantages a Digitised Permit to Work System

  When safety at the workplace gets compromised, the results are often a series of unavoidable problems for organisations. The most common (read: frustrating) is the “blame game” and since humans have a natural tendency to pass the buck, they either accuse each other involved in the system, blame the system itself, or seldom own up to the inescapable human fault. Thankfully, there exists a solution that can ensure true accountability or even modify the system for a safer work environment. An e-permit to work system allows companies to keep a tab on everyone’s activities, ensuring that all are amply trained and prepared when they take up any work at a particular location and time. A paper-based permit to work (PTW) syst em worked well for quite a long time, but only until the loopholes became too hard to ignore. With an electronic permit to work software, organisations now have the most comprehensive system that warrants a connected, responsible, safer and more productive workpla

Reasons Why Many Electronic Permit to Work Projects Fail

  Today, almost everyone owns a camera (at least the one which comes with smartphones) and we all like taking pictures. Still, you can immediately observe the quality difference in between a random click and a professional photo. The photography rules and tips are the same for everyone and technology does bring about some difference in the outcome. However, the actual point of differentiation is the experience and knowledge of the photographer. This applies to everywhere, and industrial safety and management is no exception!   Need for Permit to Work System Permit to Work (PtW) is basically a management system, which ensures that employees work safely in a risky environment. Used particularly for activities involving h igh risk, this system lets an individual or a group of individuals to perform tasks under strict conditions. Permit to Work procedure is an integral element of Control of Work (CoW), which is the integrated management of critical maintenance processes. Control o

Work to Permit Systems: Opportunities & Challenges

Industrial work sites are risky places with numerous hazards, such as sparks from welding, energised electrical conductors, corrosive chemicals, loose valves and so forth. Oftentimes, seemingly trivial incidents can turn into major accidents if not addressed properly on time. These hazardous situations pose critical risks to the health and safety of the environment, assets and workers involved. This is where Permit to Work systems comes in, serving as a crucial element of the all-inclusive Control of Work strategy for any business. It helps identify, mitigate, communicate and manage hazards in risky areas, nonstandard circumstances and possibly hazardous situations, like shutdowns, to prevent accidents. Permit to Work system is critical to the safety of employees, especially frontline workers. It restricts the effect of human errors, which ensures there are no unanticipated on-site hazards and helps manage risks across the whole site, ultimately creating barriers to prevent hazards